Showing 16 Result(s)

Mid-week Glow Up

Last-Minute Gift Ideas Christmas is officially 11 days away. 11 days! Have you checked everything off your list? Have you even started shopping? Well for me Christmas really did sneak up on me. So if you are in a mad dash to get some things checked off your list here …


VI Peel

First Treatment Update I recently decided to have a VI peel to address my issues with hyperpigmentation. A little backstory is that I suffer from cystic acne. As a teenager and young adult, I did not suffer from serious acne problems. As I got older and my hormones started having …


Mid-week Glow Up

Thanksgiving As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow let’s take this to reflect. These past couple of years have been a trying time for many. There have been so many lives lost due to Covid and the after-effects of Covid. If you are blessed to be able to say that …

Style Guide

Mid-week Glow Up

Holiday Attire Can you believe the end of 2021 is fast approaching? What are your plans for the holidays? As we attempt to have a normal holiday season compared to the unprecedented holidays of 2020, people are out in these streets! I think most major companies are still saying no …