Showing 9 Result(s)


Moving Your Body Ladies in keeping with the spirit of health is wealth what are you doing to move your body. A true story before the pandemic I was turning into what some might call a gym rat. I wasn’t there every day but for at least 5 days. I …

Style Guide

Mid-week Glow Up

Black Designers During the black lives matter movement last summer light was shed on the lack of representation of Black-owned businesses in retail. Aurora James’ founder of Brother Vellies went on a national campaign to spotlight retailers that have not diversified within the industry. This 15 percent pledge, was established …



In the space of go, go, go do you take to time to love on yourself? Why is it so hard for us to take the time to be selfish and recharge ourselves with moments that are only for us? Selfcare Sunday or Saturday should be implemented in your life. …

Style Guide

Mid-week Glow Up

OUTERWEAR Once Starbucks puts pumpkin spice as the main ingredient in all their coffee, we know it is time to start to switch out our wardrobe. In Texas, our weather can be extremely bipolar. It is not unusual to wake up to 40 or 50-degree weather, but by 2 pm …


Health is Wealth

It is hard to believe that we are in the last quarter of 2021. This pandemic has taken a toll on our mental as well as physical health. I am here to stress the importance of self-care, specifically annual checkups. As we know October is breast cancer awareness month. I …