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Showing 19 Result(s)

Life Changes

Grand rising queens and kings, over the weekend I watched Nine Perfect Strangers on Hulu. This series made me question exactly to what extent do we as humans go through to make our situations better. Not giving away the plot but these individuals had setbacks in life that were crippling …

Style Guide

Mid-week Glow Up

Fall Boots So here in Texas it hasn’t cooled off enough to pull out the boots. To those who have ….bless you 🙂 However; I am loving the trends for this season. I think a lot are classic styles that have been on the scene for several seasons. Then we …

beauty, woman, portrait-6356536.jpg

Hello World!

Let me introduce myself. As a woman starting her second act in life I want to motivate and inspire others to reach for the stars. Age is just a state of mind and wine goes with everything 🙂 is a few things that I believe whole heartily about. I am …