
Hello World!

beauty, woman, portrait-6356536.jpg

Let me introduce myself. As a woman starting her second act in life I want to motivate and inspire others to reach for the stars. Age is just a state of mind and wine goes with everything 🙂 is a few things that I believe whole heartily about. I am a fashion lover that can’t let a good sale pass me by. I love high fashion but also believe that you can mix the high with the low and be the shit! My goal on this journey is to keep my fashion lovers up to date on the latest trends. Teach you how to shop your closet and invest in things that are classic and timeless.

My mantra is you can have all the stylish clothes anyone can dream of. If you don’t have the confidence to pull it off you might as well be wearing a paper bag. So hold your head high and walk in your light.