
Life Changes

Grand rising queens and kings, over the weekend I watched Nine Perfect Strangers on Hulu. This series made me question exactly to what extent do we as humans go through to make our situations better. Not giving away the plot but these individuals had setbacks in life that were crippling their existence. Have you let setbacks in your life cripple you? Most of us can’t afford to go spend time away at a wonderful spa to reflect, so what do you do?

Life comes at us fast and most time we are not prepared to receive that fastball. We get hit in the face hard and sometimes we feel like we can’t get back up. I am here to tell you that even at the lowest point in your life don’t ever count yourself out. You got this!

Unfortunately as a society, we place unattainable expectations of perfection to make everyone think we have it all together. The perfect family nucleus. The amazing job. Perfect skin and body goals. Amazing home and cars. When truth be told you really can’t stand your spouse or your kids. You wear so much makeup to cover your not-so-perfect skin that your pores are suffering. Your body looks amazing but due to the amount of skims and Spanx you are wearing you can’t even take a deep breath. And let’s keep it real you are one missed payment to foreclosure or repossession.

All of this smoke and mirrors for what? Trying to prove to people that are not worthy of your space and energy that you are worth their approval. Realize that our imperfections make us perfect. Our screw-ups make us humans, not robots. And life is not meant to live sitting on your setbacks. Take the first step forward and put the setbacks behind you. Enjoy the moments as they come and along the way take a deep breath and smell the roses.
