

In the space of go, go, go do you take to time to love on yourself? Why is it so hard for us to take the time to be selfish and recharge ourselves with moments that are only for us? Selfcare Sunday or Saturday should be implemented in your life. As women, we immediately focus on being everything to everybody, but we need to start being the most to ourselves. How do you relax? Do you even know how to relax or are you in a constant state of moving? Get up before the house wakes up and take time to meditate, pray, just be in a space of gratitude for another day. It is amazing what 15 minutes of quiet before the day starts will do for your mood. If possible pour yourself a glass of wine and take a bubble bath once everyone is asleep. Light a candle and set a mood just for you. If you have 30 minutes go for a walk, run a bike ride, do yoga anything that can release endorphins. It will help not only your health but give you the energy to tackle the remainder of the day. Go have a facial and massage and let some stranger pour all their attention into you for a couple of hours. If you can’t go to the spa make your home your own spa. Everything that we take on emotionally also shows on our face and body so rub rub rub all the tension and stress away. Can you go to the movies or out to eat by yourself? Yes, it is perfectly ok, even if you have a partner. Sometimes you just do not want to share the popcorn, it’s ok. Whatever the case may be and how your life is currently designed just know it’s ok to put yourself first. Just know you can’t be your best for everyone else when you are not your best for yourself.